Bacon…its name alone brings a sense of mouth-watering deliciousness that is sure to make even the thinnest person grab for another piece. But what about it is so appealing? What is America’s obsession with this fatty piece of meat often used as a garnish? The word itself, bacon, is derived from the old German word for buttocks. And though it does not come from a pig’s derriere, it is an over salted and arguably one of the most fattening cuts of meat.
So what is with American’s and “Bacon Mania” that has hit this nation? Everywhere you turn there is bacon. Bacon of the Month club. Bacon band-aids. Bacon and eggs. Chocolate covered Bacon. Bacon bits. Bacon salt? And lets not forget the coveted Baconator. “The rusty bacon strip” which I have learned from baconbabble.com is even slang for an old woman’s vagina. Millions of websites devoted to bacon. Bacon and beer tastings. For crying out loud it’s a $2.1 billion industry. It’s everywhere. Sandwiches, pizza, salads, potatoes, burgers. Bacon, bacon, bacon. But the fact of the matter being, despite being 42 calories apiece, bacon is delicious. Its simple yet compliments almost anything. Eggs seem better, hamburgers seem even more mouth watering, and bacon was simply meant to live happily between two slices of bread, lettuce, and tomato. So whether you call it rasher, flitch, collop, or slab, bacon is good.
So what is with American’s and “Bacon Mania” that has hit this nation? Everywhere you turn there is bacon. Bacon of the Month club. Bacon band-aids. Bacon and eggs. Chocolate covered Bacon. Bacon bits. Bacon salt? And lets not forget the coveted Baconator. “The rusty bacon strip” which I have learned from baconbabble.com is even slang for an old woman’s vagina. Millions of websites devoted to bacon. Bacon and beer tastings. For crying out loud it’s a $2.1 billion industry. It’s everywhere. Sandwiches, pizza, salads, potatoes, burgers. Bacon, bacon, bacon. But the fact of the matter being, despite being 42 calories apiece, bacon is delicious. Its simple yet compliments almost anything. Eggs seem better, hamburgers seem even more mouth watering, and bacon was simply meant to live happily between two slices of bread, lettuce, and tomato. So whether you call it rasher, flitch, collop, or slab, bacon is good.
Bacon is the reason God made pigs :)